Thursday 12 April 2012

I have never been more angry!

I was looking into some lash adhesive on amazon because I've been getting into false lashes as of recent and wanted a popular brand. I went for the brand DUO as I've heard very good things from popular youtube gurus and thought that'd be a good one to go for. So I found it for £7.98 (including P&P) which I thought was alright for what I was getting.
Now onto the bad part...

Delivery: it said nowhere on the page how long the order would take to reach me or where the product was getting shipped from and I only found out that it was coming from the USA and would take 7 to 23 DAYS after I bought it! Needless to say I was on the latter end of that delivery time.
When it finally did arrive it came in a poorly padded brown envelope shoved through the letterbox! As if that wasn't bad enough, what had happened to my product was almost unbelievable.

I had thought the box wasn't going to be perfect but I never EVER thought it'd be that bad! Torn at the ends, edges curling back.
I bent you're wondering what actually happened to the product itself...well...

yup it had squirted all over the cap and down the nib, it wasn't until just now I had decided to clean it all off that I saw this and got VERY VERY ANGRY

Yep, it f****** split! Now half the adhesive comes out the side when I try to use it!

I am appalled! And that is all I have to say.
P.S. it smells like pritt stick...

Monday 6 February 2012

Long time no post!

I realise it's been almost a year since I've posted ANYTHING but it's been one hell of a year! I've turned 18, got a job (finally!), made some new amazing online friends and got a whole new make up collection. Look out for some new posts of some higher end stuff 
